Haven of Love & Restoration is designed to help women coming out of addiction by providing mentorship, discipleship, and personal growth opportunities for women in Wayne County
What We're About
Haven of Love & Restoration is designed to help women coming out of addiction by providing mentoring, discipleship, and personal development opportunities. We ultimately exist to reconcile families, restore lives, and build healthy communities. The opioid epidemic has plagued Wayne County for the last ten years, and it is only getting worse. These women are not the outcasts of society. They are mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. In 2018 alone, there were 640 emergency room visits at Wayne Memorial Hospital. That number grew to 703 in 2019. During that year, Wayne County was listed as the second highest county in the state for overdoses. This is an epidemic. Families are being ripped apart because of drugs, and the women of this county have little to no resources so they can truly heal once they are released from the hospital or prison. To truly heal, they need to be guided with love and patience.
This is why HoLR is so important for our community.
Why We Exist
The goal of our program is to help the women of Wayne County break the chains of addiction. The bondage of addiction is one that I personally experienced for many years. Addiction slowly rips you apart by destroying your soul, and with it, your mind, will, and emotions. All addictions have a root cause, and it is vital that these women are carefully guided through a strategic process, one that will require determination on their part to uproot the issues that have kept them in chains. Haven of Restoration will give them the Hope, Love, Compassion, and Wisdom, assisting the women to be a part of our community as healthy, whole, and healed individuals.
Hi, I'm LaVelle
Thank you for visiting Haven of Love and Restoration!
For many years, I struggled with addiction, and I understand what it is like to live in darkness through the dependency to drugs.
With the help of Jesus Christ, I was able to turn my life around, and now He has laid it upon my heart to help others who are living in the hell that
I once knew. My desire is to empower these women with wise counsel, giving them godly wisdom and instruction that will bring true healing and restoration. Everyone has a story behind their addiction, and while the drug may be different, the common factor is almost always some sort of physical or mental abuse. The programs of HoLR are designed to break the chains of hopelessness, desperation, and anguish. They are the road map, so to speak, that leads these women to hope, self-worth, and love

The Program
Bringing Change
The first three months of the program will consist of mentoring and assisting the women to pull up the root of their addiction. Talk therapy is the key to healing. The next stage is biblical discipleship. These women need to understand who they are according to the Word of God.
his is where they learn the importance of forgiveness towards others and, most importantly, forgiving themselves. Lastly, the women will be taught health and wellness, parenting classes, managing their finances, and domestic training. Accountability partners will be assigned to each woman once she has left the facility.
Finally, we will encourage all who have successfully broken their bonds to come and volunteer their time to help other women who enter the home.
Healthy Food and Fitness
The importance of a balanced diet can’t be emphasized enough for a healthy lifestyle. Food choices that offer the nutrients to help your body function properly is essential.
Routine fitness during recovery helps you feel better by increasing healthy endorphins in your body. Your brain also creates new nerve connections, which will help the healing process.